Best Toilet Paper for Septic Systems: A Guide for Daily Use

When it comes to maintaining a healthy septic system, the type of toilet paper you use can make a big difference. In this guide, we’ll explore the best toilet paper for septic systems, ensuring that you can make informed choices for daily use. We'll discuss why certain toilet papers are better for septic tanks, review some of the top options available, and provide helpful tips for maintaining your septic system.

Why Septic-Safe Toilet Paper Matters

Septic systems rely on natural bacteria to break down waste. Using toilet paper that doesn’t dissolve easily can cause clogs and disrupt the balance of bacteria, leading to costly repairs. Septic-safe toilet paper dissolves quickly, reducing the risk of clogs and keeping your system running smoothly.

Characteristics of the Best Toilet Paper for Septic Systems

  1. Rapid Dissolvability: The best toilet papers break down quickly in water.
  2. Softness and Strength: Comfort should not be sacrificed. Look for brands that balance softness with strength.
  3. Biodegradable: Biodegradable toilet paper is environmentally friendly and safe for septic systems.
  4. No Added Chemicals: Avoid toilet papers with added dyes, fragrances, or lotions that can harm septic systems.

Top Recommendations for Septic-Safe Toilet Paper

1. Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll by PaperPlus

The Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll by PaperPlus is designed with both septic safety and convenience in mind. Its larger size means fewer roll changes, and its formulation ensures it dissolves quickly in septic systems. This eco-friendly option is also free from added chemicals, making it safe for both your septic system and the environment.


  • Large roll size reduces frequency of changes.
  • Dissolves rapidly, minimizing clog risks.
  • Soft and strong for everyday comfort.
  • No added chemicals.


  • May not fit standard household dispensers without an adapter.

2. Scott Rapid-Dissolving Toilet Paper

Scott Rapid-Dissolving Toilet Paper is a favourite among RV and boat owners but is also excellent for septic systems. It’s designed to dissolve four times faster than standard toilet paper, reducing the risk of clogs.


  • Rapid dissolution.
  • Gentle on the skin.
  • Available in bulk.


  • May be thinner than regular toilet paper.

3. Cottonelle Ultra CleanCare Toilet Paper

Cottonelle Ultra CleanCare offers a balance of strength and softness. It’s septic-safe and biodegradable, making it a reliable choice for daily use.


  • Strong and absorbent.
  • Biodegradable and septic-safe.
  • Comfortable for everyday use.


  • Slightly more expensive.

4. Angel Soft Toilet Paper

Angel Soft is known for its affordability and quality. It’s designed to be safe for septic systems and is soft yet strong.


  • Affordable.
  • Septic-safe.
  • Soft and gentle.


  • Dissolves slower than some other brands.

5. Seventh Generation Toilet Paper

Seventh Generation toilet paper is made from 100% recycled paper. It’s free from dyes, fragrances, and inks, making it a great eco-friendly option for septic systems.


  • Eco-friendly.
  • Free from harmful chemicals.
  • Soft and strong.


  • May not be as soft as non-recycled options.

6. Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper

Charmin Ultra Soft is another popular choice. While not specifically marketed as septic-safe, it breaks down sufficiently and is known for its plush comfort.


  • Very soft and comfortable.
  • Strong and absorbent.
  • Widely available.


  • Higher price point.

Tips for Maintaining Your Septic System

Using the right toilet paper is just one part of maintaining a healthy septic system. Here are some additional tips to keep your system functioning properly:

  1. Regular Pumping: Have your septic tank pumped every 3-5 years to prevent buildup.
  2. Water Conservation: Use water efficiently to avoid overloading the system.
  3. Proper Waste Disposal: Only flush human waste and toilet paper. Dispose of other items in the trash.
  4. Avoid Chemicals: Harsh chemicals can kill beneficial bacteria in your septic tank. Use septic-safe cleaning products.
  5. Regular Inspections: Have your septic system inspected regularly to catch any potential issues early.


Choosing the best toilet paper for your septic system is crucial for maintaining its health and efficiency. By opting for septic-safe options like the Jumbo Toilet Paper Roll by PaperPlus, Scott Rapid-Dissolving, Cottonelle Ultra CleanCare, Angel Soft, Seventh Generation, and Charmin Ultra Soft, you can ensure that your septic system remains clog-free and functional. Remember to follow proper septic system maintenance practices to avoid costly repairs and enjoy a hassle-free experience.

FAQs About Septic-Safe Toilet Paper

What makes toilet paper septic-safe?
Septic-safe toilet paper dissolves quickly in water, is biodegradable, and free from harsh chemicals that can harm your septic system.

How can I test if my toilet paper is septic-safe?
You can perform a simple test at home. Place a few sheets of toilet paper in a jar of water, shake it, and see how quickly it breaks down. Septic-safe toilet paper should dissolve within a few minutes.

Can I use regular toilet paper with a septic system?
It’s best to use toilet paper specifically labelled as septic-safe to avoid potential clogs and system damage.

Are thicker toilet papers bad for septic systems?
Thicker toilet papers can take longer to dissolve, increasing the risk of clogs. It’s better to choose a thinner, septic-safe option.

Is recycled toilet paper safe for septic systems?
Yes, recycled toilet paper is generally safe for septic systems as long as it dissolves easily and doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.