Are Chipotle Containers Microwavable? Safe Reheating Tips

If you’ve ever brought home leftovers from Chipotle, you might have wondered, "Are Chipotle containers microwavable?" It's a common question that pops up when you want to enjoy your delicious burrito bowl later without making a mess or damaging your microwave. Let’s break down the details to help you safely reheat your Chipotle leftovers.

Understanding Chipotle's Containers

Chipotle typically uses two main types of containers for their food: fiber bowls and plastic lids. Each serves a different purpose and requires different handling when it comes to microwaving.

1. Fiber Bowls

The fiber bowls are the most common containers used for burrito bowls and salads. These bowls are made from plant fibers, making them more environmentally friendly than plastic. However, when it comes to microwaving, their safety can vary.

Are Chipotle Fiber Bowls Microwave Safe?

Yes, Chipotle fiber bowls are technically microwave safe. They are designed to withstand some heat in the microwave. However, it’s important to note that heating these bowls for too long or at too high a temperature can cause them to warp or release chemicals. The best practice is to microwave your food in the fiber bowl for a short period—around 30 seconds to 1 minute—on medium heat. Always keep an eye on the bowl to prevent overheating.

2. Plastic Lids

The clear plastic lids that come with Chipotle bowls are a different story. These lids are made from plastic that is not designed to withstand the heat of a microwave.

Are Chipotle Plastic Lids Microwave Safe?

No, Chipotle plastic lids are not microwave safe. If you place them in the microwave, they can melt, warp, or release harmful chemicals into your food. It’s always best to remove the plastic lid before reheating your food in the microwave.

Best Practices for Microwaving Chipotle Containers

To safely microwave Chipotle containers, here are some steps you should follow:

  1. Remove the Plastic Lid: Always take off the plastic lid before placing the bowl in the microwave. This will prevent any melting or chemical release.
  2. Cover with a Microwave-Safe Plate: If you’re concerned about splatters, cover the bowl with a microwave-safe plate or a piece of microwave-safe paper towel.
  3. Use Short Intervals: Heat your food in short intervals of 30 seconds to 1 minute. Check the temperature of your food between intervals to avoid overheating.
  4. Avoid High Heat: Use medium or low heat settings to prevent the fiber bowl from warping.
  5. Transfer to a Microwave-Safe Container: If you’re unsure about the safety of the fiber bowl, transfer your food to a microwave-safe glass or ceramic dish before reheating.

A Better Alternative: Paperplus Microwave Containers

If you’re looking for a safer and more convenient option for microwaving, consider using Paperplus microwave containers. Unlike Chipotle’s fiber bowls, which may not always withstand microwave heat safely, Paperplus containers are specifically designed for microwave use. Here’s why they are a great choice:

  • Microwave Safe: Paperplus containers are made to handle microwave heat without warping or releasing harmful chemicals, ensuring your food is heated evenly and safely.
  • Eco-Friendly: Made from renewable and biodegradable materials, these containers are better for the environment, aligning with sustainable practices.
  • Versatile and Durable: Whether you’re reheating a meal or storing leftovers, Paperplus containers are sturdy enough to handle a variety of foods without leaking.
  • Convenient: With Paperplus containers, you can easily heat your food directly without needing to transfer it, saving time and reducing cleanup.

Also read: Are Chinese Containers Microwavable?


In summary, Chipotle fiber bowls are generally safe to microwave as long as you remove the plastic lid and use short intervals on medium heat. However, for the safest reheating experience, transferring your food to a microwave-safe container is always a reliable option. By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy your Chipotle leftovers without worry.

Also read: Are Cheesecake Factory Containers Microwave Safe?


Q: Can I reheat my Chipotle burrito bowl in the microwave without removing it from the container?

A: Yes, you can reheat your Chipotle burrito bowl in the fiber container, but make sure to remove the plastic lid and use short intervals on medium heat to avoid damaging the bowl or compromising food safety.

Q: What happens if I microwave the Chipotle plastic lid?

A: Microwaving the Chipotle plastic lid can cause it to melt or release harmful chemicals. Always remove the lid before reheating your food.

Q: Is it better to transfer my Chipotle leftovers to another container before microwaving?

A: If you want to be extra cautious, transferring your food to a microwave-safe glass or ceramic dish is a good idea. This eliminates any risk associated with microwaving the fiber bowl.

Q: Can I microwave my Chipotle bowl more than once?

A: While you can microwave your Chipotle bowl more than once, repeated heating can weaken the fiber structure and increase the risk of the bowl warping or releasing chemicals. Always inspect the bowl before each use.

Also read: Are Decor Glass Containers Microwave Safe?

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